August 30, 2015

Musing: Denouement of a Dream

In addition to fashion topics, this blog is also a creative outlet for me to share my written works (e.g. That's Not Anyone Else). I enjoy capturing moments in words, or at least attempt to, just as with candid/aesthetic moments in photos. I have accumulated almost a hundred poems and journal entries over the years. The title, Denouement of a Dream, was inspired by a song title. I was very much intrigued upon seeing and listening to it. The idea behind Denouement of a Dream came from how I tend to wake up from a dream (and I rarely dream!) feeling confused, dazed, left at the climax, and pondering over what the ending was or could be... 

Denouement of a Dream

On every block,
Skyscapers rise with pride and confidence
Neon-light signs beam with accomplishment

I feel so small in this surrounding 

One droplet, then comes another
I come to a stop amidst a moving crowd
And look up while the rain streams down

The sky has turned off its lights as it cries 

I resume meandering to some distance
Uncertain of what, but to search for something 
People dash towards shelters or scramble for umbrellas 

Am I drenched in heaven's blessing?

When the downpour can't stop falling
And the horizon ahead remains colorless
Will tomorrow come?

I gently close my eyes...
Montage of our memories appear in black and white
And I just can't erase your absence
Will it become a problem?

I realize...the last part of a dream is always bittersweet

August 10, 2015

A Thankful Heart: Sheer Textured Blouse + Skinny Jeans

Although my plans of traveling to Southeast Asia failed short, I couldn't have asked for a more eventful summer. My fantasy of sipping on a cup of iced coffee amidst the busy scene of mopeds maneuvering to their destinations and relishing in local dishes didn't materialize. Instead, there were plenty of laughter and memories to fill my heart with warm feelings and thankfulness. 
Shirt: Banana Republic
Pant: GAP
Shoes & Watch: Target

Sunglasses: Marshalls
Please excuse the awkward hand movement of me trying to fix my hair. 
Side Note: The fabric inside, around the sleeveless areas and hemlines, aren't sown into the shirt -overall wouldn't recommend it!

And I came to realize (albeit belatedly and as cheesy as it may sound) that the destination of where I travel didn't matter as long as it was with good company. Just like the flowers that are currently in bloom and in forty-three more days the season will transition into autumn, I'll continue to cherish these memories with a thankful heart and a grateful smile.